use warnings; use strict; use feature 'say'; =pod This assumes you have free stat and skill pts to distribute =cut my ($id1, $v1, #strength $id2, $v2, #energy $id3, $v3, #dexterity $id4, $v4, #vitality $id5, $v5) #free stat points = ( &v(0,9), &v(1016, 10), &v(1,9), &v(545, 10), &v(2,9), &v(1016, 10), &v(3,9), &v(30, 10), &v(4,9), &v(500, 10) ); #the prepended '1' is for the free skill pt ID #to make the string into 8-bit sections #to make valid commands. my $binary_stream = "1$v5$id5$v4$id4$v3$id3$v2$id2$v1$id1"; #say(length($binary_stream) % 8); #exit 0; #while(length($binary_stream) % 8 != 0){ # $binary_stream = '0' . $binary_stream; #} say $binary_stream; my $binary_stream_location = -8; my $byte_location = 767; while(1){ # 00000000 $binary_stream_location=-8, THIS=0 if(length($binary_stream) + $binary_stream_location < 0){last;} print "'\@${byte_location}make" . substr($binary_stream, $binary_stream_location, 8), "' "; $binary_stream_location -= 8; $byte_location++; } say ''; #value: value into binary string sub v{ my ($value, $length) = @_; return sprintf("%0${length}b", $value); }